

Desktop NMR Spectrometer with Transzend Scientific Pvt. Ltd.

Tran-sci is developing affordable and sustainable NMR and MRI technologies, serving various industries and academic institutions. They’re also creating new methods for the polymer, rubber, food, and pharmaceutical industries. Additionally, they offer a state-of-the-art NMR training program for young minds. Their collaboration with I-HUB QTF focuses on a Desktop NMR Spectrometer project.


Digital Lock-in Amplifier and Direct Digital Synthesizer with SciCom Software Pvt. Ltd.

SCI-COM provides Engineering Software Services in digital Image Processing, Numerical Analysis, and Scientific Computing. They design Machine Vision Systems, Factory Automation, Control Solutions, and offer Software Testing and Validation Services. Their software serves various industries including Automotive, FMCGs, Industrial goods, Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Defence, Food processing, and Medical. They are collaborating with I-HUB QTF to indigenize Digital Lock-in Amplifier and Direct Digital Synthesize.

Sunay Enterprises

High precision current source for laser diodes with Sunay Enterprise

Sunay Enterprises provides reliable, economical solutions for industrial problems in electronics and computer software. They undertake turnkey projects and cater to specific customer requirements, serving leading industry players across various domains. They have the infrastructure to support the development of software and hardware projects and manufacture tailor-made systems.